Our commercial imagery offerings continue to grow and we are thrilled to announce we’ve just added the highest-resolution commercial imagery ever available in Lens — 15cm imagery — derived from Nearmap aerial imagery.
With this new aerial imagery option, Lens users will be able to see finer details than ever before. This new level of detail opens the door for more precise analysis and insights to support your monitoring. Whether you're assessing property conditions, monitoring land changes, or investigating areas of interest, higher level resolution in Lens helps you see more and know more.
Sign up for Lens to get started with this data today. Available now at $1 per acre and no order minimums, this option is perfect for customers who need the sharpest imagery for critical decisions.
With crisp 15cm imagery in Lens, our users now have access to enhanced clarity and precision for remote monitoring. This may be particularly valuable for those assessing granular property details such as infrastructure changes, conducting development planning, responding to disasters, inspecting trail areas or motor vehicle tracks, leveraging our distance or areas measurement tools, and more.
Comparing 50cm and 15cm scenes to showcase improved clarity. (©Nearmap 2024 via Upstream Tech Lens)
Lens users can now order 15cm imagery directly in Lens for properties of any size. Choose the resolution that fits your needs directly in the Lens order pane and purchase only what you need. This high-resolution package not only supports detailed, ongoing monitoring of projects but also provides a cost-effective alternative to frequent field surveys and gives users critical insights into on-the-ground conditions in a fraction of the time.
Ready to see this data in action? Sign up for Lens today.