
The latest with Lens: November 2023

Miles van Blarcum
Nov 7, 2023
Table of contents

Fall is flying by and it's brought a slew of exciting updates for Lens and Upstream Tech. We’re thrilled to announce the close of our recent fundraise, which provides us with the resources to continue bringing you the best environmental software tools. It's a great time for us to reflect on how we should grow as a team (we're hiring), and how our products should continue to grow as well.

What's New

Planet Forest Carbon Diligence data is now available

Today marks a long-awaited arrival of new datasets from Planet! Planet's Forest Carbon Diligence data is now available in Lens with global coverage. This product includes annual 30m Canopy Height, Canopy Cover, and Aboveground Carbon data going back to 2013. At only $0.04/acre, you can purchase it directly through the Order pane in Lens just like a commercial image. With your first order of Forest Carbon Diligence, you will receive the most recent available year plus the entire historical archive as an added bonus. To learn more about Planet's specifications and methodology, see their report here. And check out our support article about monitoring, analyzing, and report with the data in Lens.

To add Planet’s Forest Carbon Diligence package to your account, find it in the Layers Library here.

2022 Aboveground Carbon data from Planet Labs PBC

100% US parcel data coverage from Regrid

Available for Lens Plus and Enterprise

Having the Parcel Data Overlay at your fingertips in Lens is handy enough as it is, but our partners at Regrid have achieved the unthinkable: 100% parcel data coverage of all counties in the United States. This is an incredible feat considering that many counties don't have publicly accessible assessor data. You can now use Lens to visualize ownership in states where that was previously tricky, like New Hampshire. Regrid's data is also used in our Parcel Owner Alert feature, which automates the process of spotting changes in ownership.

Curious to learn more about upgrading to Lens Plus for these features and more? See our article here about Lens Plus features, and read on below for a limited-time discount.

More Analyze Area updates:

New selection tools for Analyze Area

When you open up the Analyze Area tool, you can now choose between drawing a polygon, selecting the entire property, or selecting an overlay polygon. You can select project boundaries, building envelopes, timber areas, or any other closed-polygon overlays that you upload. Overlays allow you to repeatedly analyze the same area of interest without having to redraw.

Y-axis fit

You can now adjust the y-axis of Analyze Area charts to more easily see subtle trends.

Multi-polygon notes can now be saved

Analyzing an overlay or property that consists of multiple polygons? You can now save multi-polygon Analyze Area charts as notes.

New in Lens Library

Mines Overlay

This dataset includes mines and mineral resource sites including manufacturing plants across the United States. It was last updated in June of 2017. This data is made available by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Geospatial Management Office's Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data portal. You can add this overlay via your Overlay Library.

End-of-year Deals

Lens referral program

Know of another organization that would benefit from Lens? Between now and the end of the year, if you refer them to Lens and they mention that upon signup, you will receive a $750 account credit. If you have any questions, reach out to us at lens@upstream.tech.

Discount on Lens Plus for existing Focus customers

Interested in Lens Plus? Now's a great time to upgrade while we're running a $1000 discount on Lens Plus annual plans. Lens Plus includes vegetation drop alerts, parcel ownership data, parcel owner alerts, streaming of commercial imagery into GIS, and more. See our article about Plus features here. Curious to learn more? Reach out to us at lens@upstream.tech.

Hot Tip

Did you know that you can add new layers while uploading new properties? To the left of the green Confirm button, you can choose layers that will be processed for your new properties. This may be handy if you're uploading new properties specifically for the new Forest Carbon Diligence data.

Where on Earth?

Unless you're reading this from Antarctica, you're on a continent with hundreds of underground coal fires. Despite most of the action happening underground, coal fires can often be spotted with satellite imagery, as seen below with truecolor imagery. Ash and gases rise to the surface through seams, killing vegetation and discoloring the surrounding environment. This particular coal fire is in New Mexico, and has been burning for decades.

That's all for now! Check out the rest of our knowledge base to learn more about working in Lens.