Monitor for mine reclamation with the mines overlay now in Lens

The Lens Team
Oct 25, 2023
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The Lens Library now features a new mines overlay covering the United States, free of charge. 

The dataset contains mines and mineral resource sites, including manufacturing plants across the United States. It was last updated in June of 2017 and is made available by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Geospatial Management Office's Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data portal.

The mines overlay is especially useful to those working in mine reclamation, i.e. rehabilitating an area environmentally that was previously a mine into something like wildlife habitat or protected open space. Importantly, it is often the case that many mining and mineral organizations monitor sites for over 10 years before reclamation work can begin. With the mines overlay, customers can now monitor sites before reclamation efforts begin, analyze and  illustrate progress during, and report final project results and assessment.  

To get started with this overlay, head to our plans page, book a demo, or log right into your Lens account.

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