
Take transparency and MRV to a new level with Planet's Forest Carbon Data in Lens

The Lens Team
Nov 7, 2023
Table of contents

For those interested in protecting forests and other ecosystems that store carbon, monitoring is a key part of ensuring a project's success. It's vital that the technology for monitoring forests offers scale and accuracy, so that project developers and funders can be confident that their impact will be precise and lasting.

With that in mind, we’re excited to share that we’re partnering with Planet to offer fast access to their Forest Carbon Diligence in Lens. Forest Carbon Diligence is Planet’s first Forest Carbon product. It is a 30-meter archive product capturing every year of Forest Carbon since 2013, with datasets that include Canopy Cover, Canopy Height, and Aboveground Live Carbon.

This exciting new data can be accessed directly through your Lens account. The data is available for ordering on an area-by-area basis, with no minimums. Access the 30-m data for $0.04/acre ($0.10/ha), and you’ll receive the most recent available year plus the entire historical archive as an added bonus with your first order. In Lens, you can analyze and annotate the data collaboratively with your team, and share insights with stakeholders through easy-to-generate PDF reports. 

Getting started is simple:

  1. Sign into Lens and add or select your project sites
  2. Add the Forest Carbon Diligence package and order data for your properties
  3. Start analyzing, monitoring and reporting! 

Monitoring and reporting on your forest projects has never been easier. Sign up for Lens today to start monitoring right away, or read more about Planet Forest Carbon Diligence. 

Looking at changes in Lens between October 2019 and December 2022 using a true color image and Planet's canopy cover data at 30m.