Global 21st-century Forest Loss dataset now in Lens

Abby Smith
Jul 27, 2023
Table of contents

The Forest Cover Loss dataset displays areas where forest has been lost with annual snapshots from 2001 through 2022. Data and methodology were originally published by Hansen et. al and this work is a collaboration between the Global Land Analysis & Discovery Lab at the University of Maryland, Google, USGS, and NASA, using Landsat imagery as an input.

Areas where forest has transitioned to non-forest during a given year are displayed in red in Lens. Additionally, this dataset can be viewed in a chart to understand forest loss breakdowns for specific years. The ability to highlight the extent and timing of forest loss events can be used for baseline documentation as well as ongoing monitoring and reporting. This dataset is often used for carbon project planning to ensure no deforestation has occurred since a certain year. In Lens, we make it easy to confirm whether your project area meets these standards on the map or in the Analyze Area tool. 

Check out some screenshots of the dataset in action below. To get started, head to our plans page, book a demo, or log right in.