
Impact Observatory landcover data now available in the Lens Library

The Lens Library now includes 10m land cover/land use data from Impact Observatory. This is a free dataset available to all Lens users, recent data for easier and finer-scale analysis of land use and land cover changes (LULC).

The Lens Team
Apr 24, 2023
Table of contents

We’re proud to offer Impact Observatory Landcover data in the Lens Library. This 10m dataset, produced by Impact Observatory, Microsoft, and Esri, displays a global map of land use/land cover (LULC) derived from ESA Sentinel-2 imagery at 10m resolution for 2017 - 2021. Each year is generated from Impact Observatory’s deep learning AI land classification model using a massive training dataset of billions of human-labeled image pixels. The algorithm generates LULC predictions for 9 classes globally, which include: 

  • Built Area
  • Crops
  • Trees
  • Water
  • Rangeland
  • Flooded Vegetation
  • Snow/Ice
  • Bare Ground
  • Clouds

These LULC maps make it easier than ever before for Lens users to look back and identify the timing of changes on their lands, or track land cover change in an ongoing way with annual data. We expect this dataset to be useful for a wide variety of use cases including land use planning, resource management, environmental protection and monitoring landscape changes such as deforestation and urbanization. This is a free dataset available to all Lens users; head into Lens today and check it out!