
EPA Superfund sites now available as an overlay in Lens

Superfund site turned solar farm! See the transformation for yourself below.
Abby Smith
Aug 1, 2024
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We’re excited to announce the addition of EPA Superfund Sites to the Lens Library. You can now add an overlay of these contaminated areas to see where your properties are situated in relation to these sites and enhance your monitoring efforts. 

About the EPA Superfund Sites Dataset

The EPA’s Superfund program is responsible for cleaning up some of the United States’ most contaminated land and responding to environmental emergencies, oil spills, and natural disasters. This dataset contains polygons showing the extent of Superfund sites, or designated areas polluted with hazardous materials. Superfund sites are managed by regional teams of geospatial professionals and remedial program managers during the cleanup process. Add this overlay from the Lens Library, and from the map view you can hover over each site to see the name and link to the EPA website page for more information. 

Featured Site: Elizabeth Mine in Strafford, Vermont

One example of the EPA's impactful work is the Elizabeth Mine, a copper mine in Strafford, Vermont. The EPA undertook extensive cleanup activities at this site, including excavating mine waste and tailing impoundment over the last two decades. Today, the former copper mine has been transformed into a solar farm, showcasing a successful transition from contamination to sustainable use.

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Explore this new dataset in the Lens Library and see how it can enhance your environmental monitoring and planning efforts, today.