Learn about Lens Lookout, the latest feature in Lens.
Changes can happen in the blink of an eye, yet for many organizations, it could be months or more before a change is observed. A quick response time is essential for protecting the places that matter most. While satellite data offers a frequent snapshot of ground conditions, the sheer volume of information makes it impossible to review every single scene as it’s captured.
What you need is an automated monitoring assistant to sift through and analyze all the new data as soon as it becomes available. We’ve got you covered and are proud to introduce Lens Lookout!
Harnessing state-of-the-art remote sensing technology and computing power, Lens Lookout is a revolutionary new way to continually survey your land and identify changes based on your precise criteria.
"Efficiency is at the heart of Lens. Our goal is to enable users to focus their efforts where they're needed most. It's not just about sending alerts; it's about providing peace of mind." - Abby Smith, Head of Product for Lens.
Whether you're tracking post-fire recovery, changes in surface water presence, algal bloom events, reforestation, and more, Lens Lookout automates your monitoring. Experience the next level of stewardship by trying out this groundbreaking feature in Lens today.
Not a Lens user yet? Sign up now, or book a demo with one of our experts to see how remote monitoring can fit your needs.
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