
Sonoma County Ag + Open Space finds new efficiencies with Lens

In a recent news article on their website, Ag + Open Space staff outline how using Lens for remote sensing has increased their efficiency.

Eve Boyce-Ratliff
Dec 6, 2022
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Some of our happiest moments on the Lens team are when we hear from current customers that our software has made a difference in their ability to effectively do their work. 

One of those customers is Sonoma County Ag + Open Space. The organization stewards hundreds of projects in, you guessed it, Sonoma County, California. Ag + Open Space is a Special District of the County, which is a government entity created for special purposes, and it was formed by a vote of the citizens of Sonoma County in 1990 to acquire and preserve agricultural and open space lands as a legacy for future generations. They are a small but mighty team who have a passion for protecting lands that contribute to Sonoma County’s scenic beauty, local agriculture, and native habitats. Over the past thirty years, Ag + Open Space has helped preserve over 120,000 acres of agricultural lands, natural habitats, and wildlife and scenic corridors. And as we all know, it’s not enough to just acquire and protect the land— then comes the hard work of stewardship. 

In a recent news article on their website, Ag + Open Space staff outline how remote sensing has increased their efficiency and provided new insights when monitoring conservation sites. They explain that they’ve “found some unexpected perks – with aerial imagery, we can more clearly see remote parts of properties that might otherwise be completely inaccessible. This imagery allows us to have a more holistic picture of the land. With the pandemic, wildfire, floods, and more, it’s also not always possible for us to get out for in-person visits, but remote monitoring allows us to be flexible and adaptable.”

We applaud the Sonoma County Ag + Open Space team for becoming Lens super users and for leveraging remote sensing to, as they say in the article, “better support landowners in caring for our natural and working lands.” If you have a few minutes, their article provides a great overview of how they have incorporated remote sensing into their program - worth a read. 👏

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