
Revisiting (ha) our time at Planet Explore 2023

Sorry, we just can’t resist a good satellite pun 🤷
The Lens Team
Apr 18, 2023
Table of contents

One week later and we’re still catching our breath from Planet’s 2023 Explore Conference! It was great to connect with folks from all across the earth observation community and to hear from some amazing speakers.

We checked a lot off our list last week- here are the highlights:

✅ Confirmed that our many Planet colleagues are in fact humans and not 2D Zoom rectangles– we met with our partners in product, marketing, and beyond, to hear about Planet’s latest plans & growth

✅ Met lots of new folks and talked about our new joint offering with Planet– head over here to learn more about our exclusive Planet x Lens bundle with global basemaps delivered every month at a fixed price

✅ Watched in awe as our colleague Ross Bernet from One Tree Planted did an amazing and unscripted live demo of Lens with Salo Sciences’ forest carbon layers, showing how they’re tracking progress on OTP’s tree planting projects

✅ Caught up with the Impact Observatory team to plan for the upcoming launch of their land use and land cover data in Lens– stay tuned for updates 👀

✅ Saw our friends from The Nature Conservancy and learned about the launch of their Blue Carbon Maps

✅ Met a real-live (and highly inspiring) astronaut, geoscientist, and educator Dr. Sian “Leo” Proctor, as we roamed the newly re-opened National Air and Space Museum 

It was fun to align our orbits with so many of you in DC – reach out at any point if you have ideas on how we can work together, or sign up and get started in Lens today. We’re already looking forward to next year’s gathering!

If you’re interested and couldn’t attend, Planet posted the plenary session videos here.