We had a blast seeing you all at this year’s Land Trust Alliance Rally in New Orleans!
We had a blast seeing you all at this year’s Land Trust Alliance Rally in New Orleans! We were thrilled to see you in person again and even meet (IRL) for the first time.
Our community continues to grow; everyone from ecologists, stewardship staff, fellow satellite nerds, and conservationists visited us at our booth to talk Lens and the power of remote monitoring for maximizing stewardship impact.
The difference between our first Rally in 2019 and this year’s is a momentous milestone for us. At Rally 2019, Lens only had three, albeit mighty, partners. Three years later in New Orleans, we loved meeting folks from the 150+ organizations that now use Lens. It was inspiring to our team to hear about Lens’ impact: from folks creating more capacity to hire new staff with the savings brought by using Lens, to the many conversations about how Lens might help new audiences with their conservation needs.
After Rally 2022, here are a few highlights and things we’re looking forward to:
🗺 Our ‘Mappy Hour’ event brought over 50 of y’all for delightful chats, drinks, and discussions
🤝 The potential for land trusts to use Lens for Carbon for transparency and better data on forest carbon projects
🔮 The future of Lens and the excitement about recently launched features like parcel owner alerts
📮 And follow-ups with new friends we met at Rally 2022!
Thank you all again for showing up to say hi. Send us an email at lens@upstream.tech if we missed you or visit our Lens page to learn more.