Reforesting the land in the Atlantic Forest with Apple's Restore Fund and Lens

An aerial view of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil, credit Apple.
The Lens Team
Mar 18, 2024
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Apple’s Restore Fund was created to scale nature-based solutions to address climate change, and it has invested in three carbon removal projects across Brazil and Paraguay with the aim of delivering benefits that go far beyond carbon, from strengthening local livelihoods to enhancing biodiversity. Restoring the rainforest and reforesting the land in South America’s Atlantic Forest have been at the core of Apple-supported projects in the region. Alongside groups including Symbiosis and Forestal Apepu, exciting progress is being made. 

Read the full article from Apple in their newsroom.  

We’re thrilled to see the positive outcomes of Apple’s investments. Apple uses Lens and Space Intelligence, a provider of carbon and habitat maps, to support monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) for Restore Fund investments, including the projects in the Atlantic Forest. 

The Restore Fund is poised to continue to grow: last week Apple welcomed new investments from TSMC and Murata that will build on Apple’s previous commitment of up to $200 million for the Restore Fund’s second phase, bringing the total to $280 million in committed capital.