
The latest with HydroForecast: August 2023

Aug 9, 2023
Table of contents

Feature Spotlight

More frequent weather forecast initialization times

We are now displaying more frequent weather forecast initialization times on our dashboard to give users access to the latest weather data within your basins. We display:

  • ECMWF 0Z and 12Z forecasts
  • GEFS 0Z and 12Z forecasts
  • GFS 0Z, 6Z, 12Z, and 18Z forecasts
  • HRRR 0Z, 6Z, 12Z, and 18Z forecasts

Additionally, we are updating weather observations from HRRR every hour.

So, when do our flow forecasts update? HydroForecast Short-term has two primary initialization times: 0Z and 12Z. During these two primary updates, we pull in the latest weather forecasts from ECMWF, GEFS, and GFS. In between those two main updates, we produce new forecasts every two hours incorporating the latest stream gauge observations. Check out our support documentation to learn more about when our forecasts become available through our API and in the dashboard.

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We have R&D planned to incorporate the remaining weather forecast sources and initialization times into our model to bring you the most up-to-date flow data as possible.

Forecast assimilation update

HydroForecast Short-term is now using a new data assimilation methodology from the literature that best corrects for near-term errors in weather and incorporates flow observations.

Team news

Webinar: How our model works, new features, and upcoming R&D

From the latest research into model improvements to new dashboard features that make your workflows easier, there has been a lot happening with HydroForecast. Join us on Tuesday August 15th for a deep dive into how HydroForecast Short-term works and learn about the latest R&D across the HydroForecast product suite.

Climate AI blog post

Are you keeping up with the AI conversation? Brush up on neural networks, model training, and more in our latest blog post.

Partnership announcements

We are very excited to be partnering with NorthWestern Energy to forecast 90-day inflows into Hebgen Lake.

PNG NW Energy spot colors

Upcoming conferences

We’ll be at the following upcoming conferences. Come join us!

  • Dam Safety Conference - Palm Springs, CA, September 17 - 21, 2023
  • CEATI - HOPIG Fall Meeting - Portland, Oregon, September 20, 2023

Check out the rest of our knowledge base to learn more about using our forecasts and dashboard. Please also reach out any time at team@hydroforecast.com with any questions, ideas, or feedback!

Alexandra & the HydroForecast Team