
Spatial visualizations of weather inputs and remote sensing observations

The HydroForecast web dashboard now includes a “Spatial” view of precipitation and temperature forecasts from ECMWF and GEFS and surface observations averaged by month from SNODAS and NASA. This is helpful for anyone who would like to quickly digest the current state of their basin and how it changes over time with respect to weather and surface observations.

Mar 14, 2023
Table of contents

Do you ever find yourself wondering how snow water equivalent, vegetation index, and snowcover vary across your basin, and how they will contribute to streamflow? Switch to the “Spatial” view at the top of the HydroForecast web dashboard and use the dropdown to switch between viewing daily weather forecasts from ECMWF, daily weather forecasts from GEFS, and remote sensing observations averaged by month from SNODAS and NASA. Use these graphics to understand the current state of your basin and how it changes over time.