Gathering in Nashville: A reflection on our annual retreat

The Upstream Tech team gathered in Nashville for our annual retreat.
Marshall Moutenot
Dec 2, 2024
Table of contents

It’s not every day that my home becomes the headquarters for a company-wide gathering. But earlier this month, the entire team descended on Nashville, the city I grew up in and recently moved back to, for our annual retreat. After nine (!) years of remote work, this ritual has become more than just a chance to brainstorm or review strategies—it’s a space to recharge, recalibrate, and build that intangible human connection.

There’s something remarkable (shocking, even) about seeing our distributed team—usually framed by laptop screens—suddenly gathered in one room. This wasn’t just a meeting of functional coworkers but of collaborators who genuinely care about the work we do and the impact we’re trying to create. Over the course of a week, we mixed product discussion with moments of spontaneity, debate, and goofing off. The more youthful (or youthful in spirit) of the team didn’t just “go out” but “went out out out” according to Dan.

One of the highlights was the evening we opened our circle to include friends and collaborators including customers and partners from organizations like Stantec, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Cumberland River Compact, and the Land Trust for Tennessee. This gathering gave us a chance to be more tangibly connected to the impact of our work and connect with likeminded people who are also committed to protecting and stewarding our natural world. Building technology can create a level of indirection that makes real world impact abstract, but moments like these remind us of the community that utilizes and uplifts our work.

We had a great night with friends of Upstream at Bastion.

For a team built on remote foundations, it’s not lost on me how rare it is to have this kind of connection. There’s an alchemy that happens when you swap Slack pings for real conversation and see the people behind the brilliance. It’s in the offhand jokes, the shared moments of quiet brainstorming, and the way everyone leans into collaboration with care and curiosity. There were moments where I stood alone in the background, feeling like a proud parent as folks chatted and laughed over a meal. By the time the week wrapped, it was clear: this wasn’t just about the time spent together, but the trust it will carry forward into the months ahead.

As everyone headed back to their respective corners of the map, the city felt a little quieter—but the energy we built here still buzzes. Whether we’re miles apart or working side by side, this retreat was a reminder of why our team works so well: thoughtful people, meaningful work, and a whole lot of ambition to bring technology to bear on our greatest environmental challenges.

Here are a few photo highlights from our time together!

Meeting new teammates for the first time 🤝

Our team has grown (a lot!) since we met up last year in the birthplace of Upstream, Somerville, Massachusetts. In the last year, we’ve welcomed new employees to each of our teams. For many of us, this was our first time meeting each other in person!

Estelle in East Nashville was our home base for the week! We baked in ample free time for socializing and organic connection.

Planning product 📓

Building impactful products is what we do, and a spirit of collaboration and experimentation is at the core of our approach to planning products. With our diverse team assembled, we put our heads together, brainstorming and gathering new perspectives.

The team participated in an all-hands product brainstorm session.

Nature walks & disc golf 🥏 

If we had our druthers, we would have spent the entire week outside… But an afternoon traversing some of East Nashville’s best trails will suffice.

Just goofin’… Boot goofin’ 👢

After some quick line dancing lessons, we’re moonlighting as country stars. Find us on Broadway any night of the week.

We got our moves from @urbancowboylinedancing

As we continue to grow, we look forward to building a strong virtual community that celebrates our shared passions and appreciating the moments we spend together at our annual retreats. If any of this sounds fun to you, come join the team! We're currently hiring for multiple positions, check out our openings here.