
The next generation of AI-enabled water forecasts with HydroForecast ST-3

The HydroForecast Team
Aug 7, 2024
Table of contents

With HydroForecast, our mission is clear: to provide timely, reliable, and precise hydrological forecasts that empower proactive decision-making around the globe. To underscore this commitment, we built HydroForecast ST-3 (Short-term 3). HydroForecast is a preferred solution for hydropower operators and water resource managers owing to its accuracy, reliability, and interpretability. These strengths are bolstered in HydroForecast ST-3, empowering organizations to respond quickly and effectively during emergencies and extreme weather events.

Join us for a webinar where Laura Read, Head of Product Strategy, will demonstrate how your organization can leverage HydroForecast ST-3 to respond swiftly to extreme weather events, safeguard operations, and implement efficient water management strategies.