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MoBI Species Richness

MoBI Species Richness


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The Map of Biodiversity Importance (MoBI) Species Richness Layer provides information about the number of species in the continental US that are protected by the Endangered Species Act and/or considered to be in danger of extinction. Species richness for all species includes vertebrates, freshwater invertebrates, pollinators, and vascular plants and the richness value represents the number of species with habitat overlapping a given 990 meter cell. As a synthesis of predictive models, they cannot guarantee either the presence or absence of imperiled species at a given location. This data is ideal for assisting in identifying areas that may be high priority for on-the-ground biodiversity conservation. NatureServe reserves all rights in all intellectual property provided. Distribution of the data or any intellectual property in whole or in part, or any products derived from the data or any intellectual property for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.